Friday, 28 December 2012
Then what?
So I'm sitting at the dinner table talking to my dad and sister about my future. I tell them how I'm so excited to be almost done school and that I just have to push and grind until April."Then what?" my sister asks. "Yeah, then what?" my dad pipes in. What do they mean by "then what"? Isn't that enough? Am I not prepared enough to go out into the real world and start making a living? My sister inquires, "So you're just going to work, then....come home?" Well yes, that's how grown people do it, except some of them actually go to a home of their own instead of back to their bedroom at their parents' house.
Education is important, it really is, but so is experience. How much experience can I get if I'm still at school? Yes, a Masters degree and a Doctorate looks pretty fancy on a resume, but that takes time. I feel like I've been in school forever, longer than forever. By April, I'll have a certificate, a diploma, and a degree. That sounds pretty good to me. Plus, I really think it depends on what field you're getting into. If I'm going to see a nurse, I'd appreciate it if he or she had a degree. If I need psychiatric help, I would hope that the person I am referred to has their Doctorate. If I'm going to watch the news, I would hope that the man or woman reporting to me has their degree, but also field experience of working in journalism.
People have different ideas on he working world. Some say when I start working, I'll miss school. Well, I've worked in the corporate world and I didn't miss school one bit. I guess that reverse psychology failed. So then what? Then I'm done. Of course, it couldn't hut to scope out some part-time graduate programs....
Monday, 3 December 2012
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
One of my last assignments this semester in my
journalism program is to write an online news blog. I have a blog. I love the
news. Enough said. Plus, this actually forces me to dust the cobwebs off this
thing and try to actually consistently contributing to it.
One of my last assignments this semester in my journalism program is to write an online news blog. I have a blog. I love the news. Enough said. Plus, this actually forces me to dust the cobwebs off this thing and try to actually consistently contributing to it.
RTV 370 JA
Professor Paula Todd
Ontario court overturns Toronto bylaw
Toronto councillors left the Ontario court unhappy after their passed 2011 bylaw of a ban on shark fin and related products was overturned. Ontario Super Court judge Justice James Spence agreed that it was "inhumane" to cut fins off sharks and dispose of the rest of it, but he could not wholly agree that they were in danger of being close to extinction or unhealthy to eat. He warned cities not to pass laws just because it seems like it is for the greater good. He also believed this issue was not within Toronto's jurisdiction. This is Canada's first court challenge of the ban. Several cities in Ontario and British Columbia have put the shark fin ban in place. Five states to the south of us also have banned it. The individuals who challenged the bylaw felt that their Chinese community was being unfairly targeted. They said in their appeal that the fins are used in shark fin soup, a traditional Chinese delicacy served for special occasions. In Canada, it is prohibited for fins to be removed and the body to be thrown away, but there is no law against importing fins.
T.O. teachers ready to walk December 10
Public elementary school teachers in the GTA are prepared to start one-day walkouts
starting the 10th of this month. The provincial labour dispute is getting more
intense closer to the end of the fall term. The Elementary Teachers' Federation
of Ontario at least promises to give parents 72 hours notice before the
walkout. David Clegg, president of York region's public elementary school
teachers, is not surprised parents are upset. The history of bitterness
between the government and teachers is what he believes is the main
concern. When teachers in all school boards within the ETFO are in a legal
strike position, the strikes will be rolling or rotating. York Region
District School Board is willing to keep their schools open to make sure
students' safety is their first priority. Legally, under Bill 115, the
province can stop strikes and lockouts if a settlement is not reached by the
end of the year, but teachers' unions are fighting that because they believe it
is unconstitutional.
Justice Charles Hackland clarified his ruling in a conference with lawyers on both sides of Mayor Rob Ford's conflict of interest case that Ford is allowed to run in any future by-elections. In the meantime, Ford will ask a judge for a stay so that he can remain as mayor while he makes his appeal in court. Throughout the city, names are being whispered as who could be Ford's replacement. They include NDP MP Olivia Chow, Councillor Adam Vaughan, and Councillor Josh Matlow. The most outspoken is Councillor Shelley Carroll who believes she could run the city better than the current mayor while still following the law. The final decision to hold a by-election or just appoint a caretaker mayor will be made by city council. Not everyone at city hall is ready to spend seven million dollars on a by-election.
employee and two union representatives were charged after an internal
investigation discovered money was missing from a station collection till.
Toronto police were called after a routine audit of the TTC station collector's
float showed it was short almost $4,000. The audit revealed the TTC token rolls
were tampered with to cover up that money was missing. Station collector,
Deodato Sousa, has been charged with theft under $5,000. John Wales and
Clarke Smith, representatives from Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 had a
hand in the crime after Sousa called them for help. Police claim they
tried to destroy evidence. All three Toronto men surrendered to police and are
schedule to appear in court early next month.
Shania Twain started her show, "Shania: Still the One" at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace this weekend. The 47-year-old Windsor, Ontario native made her entrance on stage on a motorcycle and dressed in a sequined black catsuit. Her 13-piece band started the hour and a half long show with "I'm Gonna Getcha Good." She looked like she never left the stage as she laughed, blew kisses, and walked into the crowd. She came back on stage riding a black stallion before singing "Ain't No Quitter" with a Wild West saloon decorated backdrop behind her. During "You're Still the One", she came on with a white horse instead as confetti-shaped snowflakes fell from the ceiling. Her repertoire continued with her most well-known songs. Fans from as far as Miami and the Netherlands came to see her first show. Twain will perform 10 shows until mid-December and then start back up in mid-March.
If you have yet to see Skyfall or Twilight, not to worry. Both movies are still at the top of the box office. Twilight's Breaking Dawn: Part 2's domestic total after three weekends is $254.6 million and Skyfall is close behind with $246 million in its fourth week. The movies are so close that their rankings may soon switch with each other. Skyfall is the top-grossing James Bond movie ever with close to $900 million globally. Brad Pitt's Killing Them Softly debuted at No.7 with $7 million domestically.
After losing six games in a month, the Raptors switched things around and won against the Phoenix Suns 101-97. This brings their total wins out of 17 games to four. Jose Calderon was surprised himself that they won against a team like the Suns. The top scorers of the night were DeMar DeRozan with 23 points, Amir Johnson with 16 points, and Kyle Lowry with 15 points. Andrea Bargnani kept his action low key and focused on helping with defence. Calderon carried the team for most of the fourth quarter until the end of the game. The Raptors are now off to play five road games.
Authorities responded to a call Saturday morning from a woman who said her daughter had been shot several times. The woman was the mother of 25-year-old Kansas City Chiefs football player Jovan Belcher. The victim she was referring to was his 22-year-old girlfriend Kasandra Perkins. The mother had recently moved in with them to most likely help take care of their three-month-old daughter. The following call to police came from the team's training facility. Belcher thanked his general manager Scott Pioli and coach Romeo Crennel before walking away and taking his own life with a gun. The coaches never felt like they were in any danger. The New York native played college ball at Maine and signed with the Chiefs as a free agent before making the team and staying on for four years. Belcher's relatives are not talking to reporters. His mother's Long Island home was decorated with trophies, posters and jerseys from all the schools he played at. Belcher is just one of many NFL players and retirees to die from self-inflicted gunshot wounds in the past few years. The family of star Junior Seau, donated his brain tissue to research whether or not his football head injuries were connected to his death. To clarify, Belcher did not have a long history of injuries. There is no known motive yet as to why Perkins was killed. Police claim the couple have been fighting recently.
Faith McGregor is suing Muslim barber, Omar Mahrouk because he refused to give her a haircut due to his religion. The 35-year-old woman claims she was turned away by the Bay Street barbershop this past June because she was a woman, even though she wanted a men's haircut. Mahrouk told McGregor that it was against his Muslim faith to touch a woman who is not one of his family members. All the other barbers in Terminal Barber Shop said the same. McGregor has filed a complaint against Mahrouk with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to solve this debate between gender and human rights. Instead of money, she is asking for the tribunal to force the barber shop to give men's haircuts to both genders and to post a sign saying so. Mahrouk is not against McGregor, but cutting a woman's hair would violate his freedom of religion. He is worried the complaint will make the barbers learn how to cut and style women's hair, a skill they have chosen not to specialize in regardless of the extra income it would bring. There is no real hierarchy of rights, so the case will have to be looked upon based on the facts. The case will be sent to mediation in February. If that does not work, an adjudicator will decide upon the case.
So I
have done the journalistic thing. I have given you the facts. This is
also a blog, so it is now my turn to comment on this particular article. The
story came out November 15th, but it still bothers me. Why is McGregor picking
on this barber shop? She could have easily gone to another one. Apparently, it
is the principle for her. There is principle and then there is being bored and
finding someone to complain about. I would understand if she was insulted and
sent out of the shop, but they even recommended another barber shop for her to
go to for her men's haircut. Mahrouk did not make up a new rule off of the top
of his head. He is following his Muslim faith, a religion he has decided to
follow and live with. The Koran does not tell Muslims to disrespect people or
make them feel lower class, but they do have certain rules to adhere to and
that is what Mahrouk and the other barbers in the shop are trying to do. I do
not see what there is to complain about. It may appear embarrassing, but what
good would it do her to have this barber shop forced to give women men's
haircuts if they wanted it? What are the chances she will even return to this
shop again? For those who follow and live by it, religion is sacred and holy. I
can only assume that if this case goes through to an adjudicator and Terminal
Barber Shop is forced to make changes, it would close down. Religion comes
before occupation, before friends, and before money. Maybe McGregor should just
learn to cut her own hair.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
How Convenient

Well, here's a $5.00 coupon for your troubles....when the medicine actually gets back on the shelves.
No, honestly, in the meantime, WebMD is the man.
I bet you by the time this medicine is back (and most likely not on sale because they expect everyone to pay regular price or more just to get it), we'll all have had the flu and gotten over it on our own.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Is This My Future?
So we're currently debating this issue in class and I've decided to post my opinion on this.
CBS WKBT news anchor Jennifer Livingston got an email from a viewer (?) commenting on her weight. Apparently he wasn't impressed that she was overweight and that she couldn't possibly be a "a suitable example for this community's young people, girls in particular." He basically said she was obese and encourages her to realize she has a "responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy lifestyle". Livingston's husband, Mike Thompson, posted Kenneth Krause's letter on Facebook, where comments, of disgust towards Krause obviously, flooded in.
Livingston decided to respond in a way that connects to the fact that this month is National Bullying Prevention Month.
Krause, responded by not taking back what he said. He wants Livingston to take advantage of the fact that she's in the public eye and can transform herself on air over the next year. He also offers to help with support and advice if she would choose to take this journey.
So, I've given you the facts. But this is a blog so I get to say what I want. Krause is an idiot. What gives anyone the right to judge someone's physical appearance? A man actually sat down and took time to write a letter to this plus size anchor.

Friday, 21 September 2012
*Cough, cough! Sniff, sniff!*
The absolute worst thing about going back to school (besides
going back to school) is getting sick at the same time. No one likes getting
sick, but to simultaneously have a runny and stuffy nose will not help get
those readings done. It's been especially tough this year because the weather
has had a mind of its own. Literally day by day, it's either hot enough to put
on your sunglasses or cold enough to grab a scarf. For the lucky ones who who
haven't caught the bug yet, I would like to help you keep it that way:
- Take vitamin C like it's Mike n Ikes and it's about to expire. However, be careful not to take too much. Too much of anything is never good for you.
- Wash your hands in between the times you usually wash your hands. This will make your hands extra dry so it’s a good idea to have hand cream as well. For those “in between” moments, hand sanitizer also comes in handy.
- Last of all and the hardest tip to follow: stay away from sick people!
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