Friday, 16 September 2011

Toronto Stock Exchange

It's hard for me to get into relationships. Scratch that. It's hard for me to even consider dating someone. Scratch that again. It's hard for me to consider talking to a guy more than once. I feel like the guy has to be worth my time and energy. The time to actually put his number in my phone and the energy to pick up the phone when he calls. I think that's fair. If I really gave EVERY guy who hit on me a chance, it would not be pretty. I'd end up dropping them eventually anyway.

Am I being judgmental if I decide within the first 10 seconds whether or not I will give them 10 more seconds? Probably, but I'm usually right. Do I have attitude in those first 10 seconds? Probably, but those who can get past that barrier have already passed the first wall. I'm not even trying to test guys or make them work super hard to get a chance with me. I'm just real. I'm genuine. I don't play games and I'm pretty blunt with why I chose not to waste the next 10 seconds talking to them. I love to debate and tell a guy exactly why I have decided to put my earphones back in and tune out.

So where does "Stock Exchange" come from? I've been treating guys like I live in the world of TSX. I feel like a rich famous banker who has loads of money to spend, but no one worth spending it on. My future client better come at me with a full portfolio of what he has. If he has potential, I'll drop some money in it. If he's worth a little more, I'll even take my shares out of some other clients and focus more on him. Maybe this sounds condescending. Maybe I'm holding a super high standard for men that cannot be attained. If so, I have no problem keeping all my money.

I believe guys should be like this too. I think they're a bit more frivolous with their money and choose to spend a little here and there, and everywhere that looks good. Then they come back broke and expect some kind of loan. I've been the loan officer. Then they get enough money to put back in shares and leave again, forgetting the loan officer. So guys should save their money like many girls do. When that top investment comes along, they'll have enough history in their portfolio and enough learned lessons and dreams to know what they want. That makes them confident, assured and determined to get what they want.

I'm not harsh. I'm not rude. I'm not bitter. I just refuse to get robbed.

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