Lose Weight.
- Spend more time with family and friends.
- Make more money/Save more.
- Get organized.
- Travel.
Apparently the world will end this year, so how about we make these New Year resolutions count?
Making resolutions reminds me of that college commerical, where the guy asks you what you're doing on that couch. He can sympathize about you getting up later to make that call or to apply for a program. He says, "All you have to do is pick up the phone and make the call. Why are you making it so complicated? It's easy." So let's apply this to life. Resolutions shouldn't be complicated. If you make them that way, they will be on your list for next year.
Personally, I don’t have the memory to remember in November a goal I made in January. What I’ve decided to do differently this year is to put dates with my resolutions as to when I want to achieve them. I’ll work on some separately, and others together. Some will take a year to accomplish, and some will take a few months.
I’m also going to break down some of my resolutions and be more specific.
For example, I want to lose 15 lbs. I could achieve that by March...and then gain it back by June. I’m going to make a specific goal weight. In this way, whether I gain or lose, I know the number I want to be hanging around.
If you want to achieve your goal, eliminate all the excuses. They’re just annoying voices in your head. Say the excuses out loud to yourself or to a friend; you'll realize how unreasonable you’re being. Get rid of lame reasons not to “make that call” before they take over and becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.
Determination and drive is really what holds it all together. You can’t just want to do something because it seems like a good idea. You have to really have it in your heart to achieve it and for the right reasons. Don’t quit after a small slip up. You planned to exercise three times a week and you missed a day. Now you think you have to start over next month. Does that make sense? No. Have I done it? Yes.
I'm getting off the couch now.
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