Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Here we go again

It's not really a new year. It's pretty much the same 365 (or 366) days all over again. The same resolutions, the same dreams that never get fulfilled. I want this year to be different. 2013. How though? How can I make it different? I blogged my new year's resolutions for 2012 and I pretty much achieved half of them. I gained weight. I spent more time with my sister. I saved money from my summer job. My room has two more components in it and way too little space. I went to the Dominican Republic with my family and Montreal with my dragonboat team.

I'm going to plan 12 resolutions. I want to achieve something I'll be proud of at least once a month. It has to be original too. Losing weight is so 90's. The problem is all the things I want to do are things I want to achieve all year long, not just for one month. So I've chosen a handful of cool jobs to do, whether it lasts one month or two. I'm not even going to list what these things are because what are the chances I'll always be checking back on my blog?

I'll just update this along the way.

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