Friday 21 September 2012

*Cough, cough! Sniff, sniff!*

The absolute worst thing about going back to school (besides going back to school) is getting sick at the same time. No one likes getting sick, but to simultaneously have a runny and stuffy nose will not help get those readings done. It's been especially tough this year because the weather has had a mind of its own. Literally day by day, it's either hot enough to put on your sunglasses or cold enough to grab a scarf. For the lucky ones who who haven't caught the bug yet, I would like to help you keep it that way: 

  • Take vitamin C like it's Mike n Ikes and it's about to expire. However, be careful not to take too much. Too much of anything is never good for you.

  • Wash your hands in between the times you usually wash your hands. This will make your hands extra dry so it’s a good idea to have hand cream as well. For those “in between” moments, hand sanitizer also comes in handy.

  • Last of all and the hardest tip to follow: stay away from sick people! 

Monday 3 September 2012

It's been awhile...

          I should probably blog since I love to write and I want to do it for a living. Funny, once you say you love to write, people just expect you to be constantly flowing with things to say. Fair enough because I always tend to be jumping from idea to idea with things to say. They range from random comments to my aeroia opinion about a current event going on in the world. I've written about once a month about things important to me that I feel passionate enough to write about.

          It's time to get more serious though. In my last year studying journalism, I need to see if I can cut it. Well, obviously I know I can, but I want to see how serious I can get about it. I can wrote about anything, but how well will it flow from my fingers to the screen? So from now on, my posts will mostly focus on current events. It'll probably be things I didn't get time to comment on in class because we had to move on.

          So let's start broadcasting the news, shall we?