Monday 9 July 2012

On Your Marks...

Some people use school as a clutch to avoid the real world. The fear of joining the working class can be overwhelming enough to pay the price and time for another course (or degree). I’m not like that. Well, maybe a little bit. I want to be as prepared as I can before I start my career. I want to utilize all the programs related to my field of choice during my post-secondary years.
So many people have had to go back to school after the real world has slapped them into the reality that they’re not equipped yet. I don’t want to be that person. I’ve specifically chosen a path of a degree of a diploma to balance out the theoretical and practical skills I’ll need for my journalism career. I’m not confused or unsure. I trust I’m doing the right thing even though people have doubted and judged my choices along the way.
When someone asks me, “Aren’t you done school yet?”, what I really hear is, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” So I say “Nope”, when I really mean “Absolutely” to the question I really heard. Don’t you think I want to get out? I do. I’m ready to start living, exploring, and creating.
Sometimes I realize I’d be done by now if I didn’t start going to college. I’d be done a year ago if I didn’t decide to do my Honours for my Bachelor’s degree. Everything happens for a reason. It’s a nerdy thing to say, but I actually love learning. In college, I get to unleash all the creativity I never got to show my university professors through my essays. I’m taking my last communication studies course this summer and I’m actually enjoying the readings. Well, most of them. The percentage would be higher if I actually read them all. That’s beside the point.
I love communications because I can use something from every course in my everyday life or future career. Do I sound ambitious? Prepared? Determined? So while I’m finishing up my last year at school, I’m giving the world a heads up to get ready for my entrance onto the scene.
…Which scene? I haven’t really narrowed it down yet, but don’t you worry, I’m coming! 

1 comment:

  1. You sound passionate and that's great.
    However... I believe you love school and at times use it as a crutch. (Don't hate me for saying that please. You know I love you!)

    Learning can happen both in and outside of the classroom. Maybe it's my teacher side saying this, but I truly believe that we are always learning and it never stops until we die.

    - J.
